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The seaside town of Saint-Tropez, on the Côte d'Azur, was thrust into the spotlight in 1956 by Brigitte Bardot, the protagonist of the movie "And God Created Woman", set in what was then just a small fishing village.

In Italy, its notoriety was fuelled by Peppino Di Capri, and his song "Saint-Tropez Twist".

Having established itself as an elite tourist destination, Saint-Tropez has become the place to be for anyone visiting the South of France. The fact that it is not accessible to everyone sealed its reputation as the ideal meeting place for VIPs from all over the world, populated by sailing ships, luxury yachts and exclusive clubs.

Saint-Tropez is synonymous with charm, elegance and glamour: music to a Gentleman's ears. This siren call cannot go unheeded; it is in your blood. It draws you in like a magnet. Are you not so sure? Do you believe that one is not born a Gentleman, but becomes one? You are wrong. At this very moment, do you feel a powerful desire to answer this call? It means that the fundamental elements that make you a Gentleman are already there, deep within you, but they need to be polished, like diamonds in their raw form. They must be worked and refined to let them truly shine, but they have been diamonds since the day you were born. And once your transformation is complete, you will realise that Boggi Milano perfectly sums up your very way of being: "A Gentleman always shows his best side". And here in Saint-Tropez you certainly can show your best side, pushing yourself to fulfil your potential.

If you are fortunate enough to visit between 30 September and 8 October, although autumn may be drawing in, the summer nightlife is far from over. At sunset every evening, you can watch the spectacle of light and colour that is created at the port during the annual "Les Voiles de Saint Tropez" regatta, soaking up the fun atmosphere with welcome cocktails, musical entertainment and theme nights.

We at Boggi Milano are proud to have answered the call.

Find us at:

  • SAINT-TROPEZ: 77 Rue Allard - Tel. +33 4 944.388.58