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Boggi Privilege rewards programme


Enrolment agreement, terms & conditions

1. Boggi Privilege is an exclusive rewards programme, available to all Boggi Milano customers. Enrolling in the programme is free of charge.

2. Subscribers to the Boggi Privilege programme enjoy the following advantages and services reserved in Boggi stores worldwide1 and in the online store www.boggi.com (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"):

  • reward point is earned for every euro paid. The total amount of points accumulated corresponds to a percentage discount defined as follows (if paying in foreign currency, a fixed exchange rate2):
  • o 500 points entitle you to a 5% discount, 1,000 points to a 10% discount and 1,500 points to a 15% discount.
  • the discount percentage is applied from the purchase after the Points Band has been exceeded in the entire network of Boggi Milano stores3 and on online purchases. Points accumulated are awarded during the dispatch of the goods. In the event of a return, the points are subsequently deducted.
  • awarding of double points on a selection of products. The product selection is subject to periodic changes;
  • during your entire birthday month, an additional 10% discount will be awarded, starting from the year following your enrolment in the Boggi Privilege programme4
  • free tailoring services, available in stores; 5
  • home delivery of the seasonal catalogue.
  • invitations to special promotions and events.

Points are valid until 31st of December of the year following their allocation.

Boggi Privilege Hero

3. Enrolling in the Boggi Privilege programme is easy: you can register in every Boggi Store (Prima Linea, Resort and Factory Store) and in the online-shop www.boggi.com.In Boggi stores you can benefit from discounts and services simply by placing your mobile device on the special readers positioned next to the cash register 5 after activating the relevant Bluetooth.

1Excluding stores in the Middle East, South Korea, Greece, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Macedonia.
2The fixed exchange rate is available on our website.www.boggi.com
3Privilege discounts valid online in all Boggi Milano stores except for Factory Stores and shops in countries listed in point (1), cannot be combined with any other current promotions except for the birthday discount.
4Excluding Factory Stores and the "Su Misura" service.
5Every garment purchased at Boggi Milano entitles customers to a free alteration, amongst those eligible to be free of charge. Should the garment need to undergo multiple alterations, only the cheapest one will be free of charge, amongst those eligible to be complimentary. Please check with your local store the whole regulation along with which alterations are eligible to be free of charge. Free alterations do not apply onto discounted items, nor onto garments purchased at Factory stores.
6To better provide services and make the shopping experience even more unique, Boggi Milano has introduced a new, innovative FTF technology, the new recognition method linked to your smartphone which will replace your Privilege Card

4. Following the subscription to Boggi Privilege and upon specific consent, the subscriber shall receive marketing communications relating to new collections and offers of new BOGGI MILANO products suitable to better satisfy his needs.
Consent to receive marketing communications may be withdrawn by the subscriber at any time.

5. By enrolling in the Boggi Privilege programme, you hereby accept the following terms and conditions.


Terms & Conditions


These General Conditions relate to the "Boggi Privilege Loyalty Programme" membership contract prepared by BBB S.p.A. with registered office in Via Lancetti 28, 20100 Milan, Italy, a company belonging to the Royal St Andrews Holding Spa Group with registered office in Via Lancetti 28, 20100 Milan (Italy) (hereinafter "RSA Group"):

  • Only those who are of legal age (which means you are either legally emancipated, or have reached the age of majority as defined in your jurisdiction) and who have the ability to enter into binding contracts can join the Boggi Loyalty program;
  • The rewards regulation set out under point 2) can be subject to changes: any change in the regulation shall be immediately communicated to the member by e-mail;
  • enrolment in the program is valid for an indefinite period; it will be deactivated in case of non-use for 3 consecutive years, meaning not having purchased in the last three years one or more products in stores or in the website of the RSA Group or not having visited, during the same period, our Website. At the end of the period, your data will be made anonymous and all your benefits will be cancelled.
  • The Member can withdraw from the Boggi Privilege programme at any time, free of charge by sending an e-mail at privacy@boggi.com; by withdrawing from the Boggi Privilege programme, the Member will forfeit the right to any discount or other services offered to the programme members; the collected points will be definitively cancelled;
  • BBB S.p.A reserves its right to periodically modify, even partially, these general conditions, the loyalty program and related services. The related amendments will come into force 10 (ten) consecutive days from their publication on the Website. In the event that the Member does not accept the amendments made, he / she will have the right to cancel his registration, which is his right at any time, as specified in the previous point.
  • BBB S.p.A also reserves the right to suspend, temporarily or permanently, at any time, this loyalty program, without the Member being able to complain about it (except to the respect of the rights already acquired by the Member at that moment), by giving notice on the Website and / or at the points of sale through a suitable notice. These Regulations are always available for consultation on the Website.
  • The membership in the Boggi Privilege programme is personal and cannot be transferred to third parties.
  • Any misuse of the Boggi Privilege membership or harmful to the image and the Boggi brand, in violation of these general conditions (and in particular the transfer of rights deriving from joining the Boggi Privilege program to third parties) may result in an immediate exclusion from the programme: an exclusion will cause the loss of all rights deriving from or connected to the Boggi Privilege programme, including any points and/or other discounts already earned.
  • You, the Member, accept these Terms and Conditions by confirming your enrolment in the Boggi Privilege programme.
By accepting these Terms & Conditions, you declare to have read and understood the Privacy Policy of BBB .Any disputes arising from or in connection with this agreement and its terms & conditions will be governed by Italian law; the Courts of Milan, Italy, will have exclusive jurisdiction, except for any mandatory jurisdictional provisions contained in foreign national laws

The applicable law is the Italian law, without prejudice to the applicability of other national laws deriving from mandatory rules.

Last update: : 22.11.2024